Monday, March 7, 2011

Empty Nest

Today brings to an end one of the longest weeks I have ever experienced; one in which time seemed to pass painfully slow and I felt at a loss for what to do with myself.... My older son, Cade, spent the week on a guys only, rodeo road trip with his dad. In other words, heaven on earth for a two year old boy filled with wanderlust and more than ready for a little adventure. Not so heavenly for me. While he spent the week blissfully immersed in testosterone and dirt, I whiled away the hours wondering how I would make it through another day without his affection and adorableness. I have no problem admitting that I am cripplingly codependent on his cuteness.

All this time to think led me to three conclusions. 1.) I am simply not cut out for long term, long distance absence from my babies {and by long term I mean more than say, 6 hours}. 2.) It's a real good thing we have two children because those sweet baby smiles were all that was keeping me sane in Cade's absence. And 3.) I must have had a whole lot of free time on my hands before I had kids. A whole lot.

Having just one child with me this week was a breeze...until his first nap time, and that's when things got tricky.... it was at that moment I found myself alone, in a quiet, clean, peaceful house during daylight hours with {gasp} nothing pressing to do. Nobody needed anything, there was no multitasking to be done, and that meant I didn't know what to do with myself. When you have a husband who travels 9 months out of the year, are trying to launch a new business, and have two boys 2 and under, you just get used to being busy. I won't lie, I didn't take advantage of it and do something productive; I didn't answer emails, plan menus, and obviously I didn't blog {shame on me, I've been so naughty}. I think I ate cookies on the couch while I watched backlogged episodes of Modern Family and online window shopped. What can I say, it was the closest to multitasking I could come up with.

Several days worth of naps later, when that was no longer proving to be enough of a distraction from my growing sorrow and loneliness, It was time for plan B. {plus I was out of cookies and TiVo}. I buried myself in busy work and set about completing some of the projects, that had until now, lived only in my mind. One of the funnest was a couple projects for my girlfriend Maggie from Heaven Scent. I have wanted to make some bunting flag banners for the Bluebird launch at the end of the month, so making a special one for her served dual purposes: great practice for me, springtime cheerfulness at Heaven Scent!

I had also recently picked up a fantastically old book at a thrift store, who's age the woman behind the counter had remarked over as she wrung me up and made it impossible for me to tell her that I would soon be cutting my $3 find to bits. I do think it's safe to say though, that many more people will be able to enjoy all that it has to offer now, than when it was sitting on that dusty old shelf.

Pleased with the outcome of a project well done and the company of a great friend, off we went for a yummy Mexican lunch and celebrated the impending arrival of my first born over margaritas ♥ ♥ You can check out the Heaven Scent Blog HERE or "Like" her on Facebook HERE. I, of course, recommend both! XO-'83

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